Industry Experiences a weak summer season...
Central dispatch listings at an all time low.
Fluctuating in the low 20k's,, The monopoly of all load boards is at a 3 year low, some will blame a slower than normal car sales market due to ride-sharing platforms such as uber and lyft. If the growth trend for ride-sharing keeps continuing as it has been, we are all in some deep trouble.Do Snowbirds still exist?
Of course, but again, with a soft car market and Uber around, Why does granny need a car when she gets to florida? She can simply hitch a low cost ride, you do the math:1.) Transport car to and from florida: $1400
2.) gas / parking / maintenance while in Florida for 5 months: $600
That's two grand, My grandparents could spend $300.00 a month on Uber and and be well under that number, not to mention riding in style. We may see our beloved snowbird routes fizzle out in the next year or so. HINT: Its already happening.
So whats left?
Well, lets see... IT'S NOT GOOD! We have pretty much have taken our bread and butter out, so the occasional specialty car move or military relocation.... Again, not looking good.Whats Next?
Autonomous cars, the death of car sales and most transport as we know it. Autonomous trucks carrying autonomous cars, check out this 30K retrofit:'m sure when perfected (and legal) carriers will be buying these things up like candy, at least prices will go even lower to transport what we got left.