Good Question...
The Simple Answer is, an Auto transport Company can only Be as Big as the Number of Leads Available. (This is a good Thing)
Right now there are 30,000 - 35,000 Leads available for Purchase each Month in this Field. if Your Company closed 3% of 30,000 leads at an average of $150.00 a ticket, You would have a $135,000.00 (not bad, considering the cost of start up) You now have million and a half dollar business a Year.
NOTE: You will need a large office and 25-30 people to handle this.
The Profit
MONTHLY TOTAL 135,000.00
Lead Cost 30,000.00
Commission (30%) 40,500.00
C.R.M, Merchant fee's Phones and Rent 10,000.00
2 dispatchers @ 750 a week 6,000.00
2 customer service @ 750 a week 6,000.00
1 Manager @ 1000 a week 4,000.00
1 Asst. Manager @ 750 a week 3,000.00
Office Supplies 3,000.00
Misc. 5,000.00
PROFIT: 27,500.00
The Bottom Line
Making over $300,000.00 a Year does not come easy, 100's of brokerages go out of business in the first Year due to one thing and one thing only......
You Guessed it, so just one thing to stay afloat, Don' t be Greedy. Charge back's will kill You every time, They are the all too familiar noose in the wild west of Car Shipping.